Cover 6

The Mister

The Mister



Average rating2.4


Ok, so E.L.James isn't the worst writer I have read. Unfortunately. Compared to a lot of crappy books, her books are OK. BUT... compared to OK books... No. Frankly, I find it hard to believe anyone who loves E.L.James, Cassandra Clare, or Stephenie Meyer has ever read any good books. Or did so because they had to, and didn't appreciate what they were reading.

Also, apparently, there needs to be a disclaimer here, because E.L.James' fans are idiots.
I gave this book only 1 star because I didn't like it. Just hover over the one star, it says: “did not like it”. If you like it, fine. I don't like it, equally fine. And just as you are free to lavish praise over what you like, I am free to lavish scorn over what I don't like. It's not personal. Get over it.

Good things:
They say E.L.James herself designed the book cover and took the photo for it. Good for her. I like it. Maybe she should focus on designing covers instead.

Bad things:

I have two HUGE problems with this book.

- the depiction of sex trafficking.
I mean... E.L.James seems to think it's... good... to... that this book “sheds light on the situation”. Er...

“I did do some quite heavy research, and there was a point where I thought, “Should I be writing this book?” Because it is so bleak. But I just thought, “I'll get her away from it.” She is so stoic and brave, and she works hard to keep herself safe, so that's what I wanted to come across in the book. And it sheds a little light on this appalling state that many young women find themselves in, especially from eastern Europe. I hope that's a good thing.”

“please do me the honor of becoming my countess. I love you. I want to be with you always. Spend your life with me. At my side. Always. Marry me.”


February 16, 2020Report this review