Average rating4.3
I am not Catholic, I had not read any writings by any popes before, and I'm not sure why I've been just slightly more curious about Pope Francis than any of his predecessors. So color me kind of surprised that I really enjoyed this, and that WHOA the Pope is way more radical than I expected. And it was pretty concise - the audio was only 3 hours.
You get the point of this interview/essays from the title - about God's mercy and how Jesus enacts that mercy. It gave me several new ways to think about forgiveness and mercy and love, especially in light of the way us ‘Mericans tend to treat people who are “other.”
Definitely worth checking out if this is of interest to you! I mean, what else are you doing for three hours.
Notes I very carefully took while at stoplights (KIDS DON'T BE ON YOUR PHONE AT STOPLIGHTS):
- even if you can't absolve someone, you can still give them a blessing