The Nanny

The Nanny

2023 • 432 pages


Average rating3


Okay prepare yourself because I have thoughts. They're kinda all over the place because this book has made me unable to rationalize my thoughts enough to make coherent sentences.

Listen, there was nothing going for Cassie & Aiden except for physical attraction & lust. So much so that it was almost painful to read. I felt zero chemistry like absolutely nothing between them & quite frankly it just made me not give a fuck. About. Anything. It felt like they got to know little pieces about each other's lives & then boom suddenly they're fucking & falling in love? Erm no. (Maybe slow burn & angst & pining like REAL pining has me spoiled.)

Honestly enough, I'm just disappointed. I was so excited for this one. The premise is undoubtedly insane and SO fucking intriguing. There was so much potential, the execution was just not it for me. So much more could've been done and it wasn't. The only fans aspect was a really spunky and exciting idea to me but it wasn't even a big part of the plot like I was expecting it to be. The only thing that seemed to be carrying the plot along (before the third act conflict) was the fact that Cassie hadn't told Aiden that she was cici. So even after that got sorted out the story just dragged.

Now, why did it feel like Aidens only personality traits
were being a chef and having a kid & Cassies were knowing random snapple facts and having shitty parents. Like come onnnn I KNOW THERES MORE TO BOTH OF YOU THERE HAS TO BE. That being said, I didn't connect with the main characters I felt like I didn't see much of them. & bringing my point up from earlier about feeling no chemistry, it just made their dynamic is just soo boring and bland to me. It was like sex was the only thing bonding them besides Cassie being Sophie's nanny therefore causing Cassie to be more involved in their family. More than half way into the book & I felt like I still didn't know who they were individually let alone AS A COUPLE. Like okay great you have mind blowing sex, now what? Even then it's like the smut just wasn't hitting for me & I couldn't much enjoy it because I just didn't feel the connection between the two.

Aiden & Cassie have been intimate on onlyfans before they actually met for Cassie to be the nanny, & it was only for a few months–not to mention they really didn't talk too much about their personal lives–until contact was lost. As mid 20/early 30 year olds, you would think they would've quickly gotten over something like that. So why is it that a year later, they're acting like they just had some intense long term ldr when really they barely even knew each other? Like I was so confused on why Cassie keeping the fact that she was Cici unknown from Aiden & her stressing about it was even a thing because like...why would he even be upset. I don't think it was ever that serious for Cassie to hace acted the way she did. Again, they seriously didn't even KNOW each other fr.

Ugh & don't get me started on the third act conflict. The fact that Cassie made the decision to leave for the third act conflict was really just jarring to me because ALL OF EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TOWARDS THE END WAS SO PREVENTABLE. I really don't get it, like I can see how her thought process would make her quick to do something like that if she didn't have someone to go to about the situation for a different opinion and perspective on things but she literally had wanda who gave her advice regularly and she DID give her advice about the situation, & cassie ignored it & did that shit anyway. Like why??? Whyyy???? It was so hurtful to not only Aiden but to SOPHIE (the real MC along w wanda) & I was angry ab it. At that point I just wanted the story to be over it just felt so dragged out.

June 27, 2023Report this review