Average rating5
This Novella is excellent. I love the portrayal of Melinoë and Helios, and their back and forth. It is such a good showcase of mental illness and also what support looks like from those around you.
Supporting someone with mental illness, or someone who is the goddess of nightmares is tough work, but it doesn’t make the person any less lovable – and that is exactly what we see from Helios. He is her sunshine and he will be the light in the darkness always for her.
I teared up so many times reading this novella – the vulnerability, the despair, the tough relationship. It was all so much and so good.
Their dirty rough spice is amazing and while not my cup of tea in real life, was perfect for the 2 of them. Who new ‘sunboy’ was so dark and depraved?? We love it.
Overall, The Nightmare & the Daydream Novella as book 3.5 in the Love and Fates series by Alexis Rune & Jeannette Rose was excellent and I loved it so much. I companion read it with The Queen and The King (book 3) and it was so perfect together like that. I would love to get a special edition of the book where this and book 3 are combined.