Average rating4.2
Good, if a bit disappointing.
I enjoyed this book; it's certainly one of the longest I've ever read! But I feel like it, and the Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy just didn't quite capture the magic of the Gentleman's Guide. I liked Adrian as a character and the way his anxiety was depicted was so soo good, especially in a historical setting. I, of course, loved all the characters, though there were some things that annoyed me, and some loose ends, such as possible a lack of development of Monty's side plots, such as his uncertainty about marrying Percy and the fact that he fell off the wagon and it wasn't really talked about much? Like, that sucks, especially since Monty is my absolute favourite character.
I also wish there'd been more development of Felicity's falling out with the Crown and Clever, and also with Saad and Sim's characters.
Also, it was an utter tragedy that we got as little of Louisa and Percy as we did! Percy is so brilliant I would've loved to see more of him, especially in the last book of the series, and Louisa seemed like a really cool character but we never really got to know her.
It was definitely a very good book, and I would wholly recommend it, it just didn't live up to the first book, unfortunately, but these things never do.