Average rating3.5
After reading and enjoying The Warehouse a couple years ago, I really enjoyed Hart???s take on the culture and future that we???re digging ourselves into. With The Paradox Hotel, a bit more suspension of disbelief is required of the reader.
The story takes place in the year ???twenty-goddamn-seventy-two??? following the hotel ???security??? guard January Cole. January has been around the hotel for quite a while and seen some shit. She embodies the no-nonsense, jaded, zero-F???s-gven, kind of attitude that results in hilarious exchanges with her all-knowing AI drone Ruby that floats over her shoulder. Also including a wide cast of characters from the rest of the hotel staff to the big-wigs and foreign diplomats wanting to put in their bid for ownership.
“He has wild hair and thick plastic-framed glasses, his paisley button-down tucked into a pair of mustard khakis. He???s the kind of person i would have taken seriously if not for the fact that he???s also wearing a bow tie. Some things are hard to forgive.”
The Paradox Hotel mixes up a stew of delicious concepts from time-travel, closed-room murder-mystery, spiraling psychosis, mistrust, raptors running-amok, and lost love. It then sprinkles on top some great humor and perspective from January which makes it go down smooth. The story was intriguing and engaging and there was constant question of the ???who??? and ???why???. The concept of January being ???unstuck??? in time, the flashbacks, and flash-forward really spun a solid web of intrigue and curiosity.
“This is a jigsaw puzzle someone dumped on the floor and then kicked a handful of he pieces under the couch. And they won???t show me the box, but they still want me to put it together. Quickly and in the dark.”
The complexity of this incredibly enjoyable story leaves readers guessing until the end, chuckling all the way through. I really enjoyed January???s character and the wit and humor throughout. I would recommend this for a light sci-fi fan who also enjoys a rich game of Clue.