Average rating4.2
This series shouldn't be called ‘The Heroes of Olympus.' It should be called ‘I have a Secret - or Amnesia.'
In seriousness, though, pretty sure this is my favorite Riordan book to date. The first 150 pages or so are solidly five stars for me, but I always love the non-quest parts of the books - and getting to read about Camp Jupiter was so much fun. (Now this is a place that actually makes sense. And doesn't sound half-bad to live in.) But when the quest starts is always when my attention drops a little. This time though, it seems both more cohesive AND more relevant to the quest-ers.
Also, I was a little...less than excited to be back in Percy's head after not adoring him in PJ & the Olympians - but one of three things happened: either Riordan's writing has matured, Percy himself has matured or being told in third person was a much better choice. Possibly all three. Finally, love the final battle. That was fun. I'm just...disappointed where the book ends because not only did I want to read the meeting, but I also have a feeling that means the meeting will be from Annabeth's perspective. ... Whom I've never liked. (Hopefully getting into her head will help that - if not, this next book will be painful, I'd imagine.)
Anyway, very happy with this book. (Even if it was supposed to take me two more days to finish, because I had everything planned out and how good this book is ruined that for me.)