Average rating4
I really liked this, but I out-and-out LOVED [b:The True Love Experiment 62361081 The True Love Experiment Christina Lauren https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1677786623l/62361081.SY75.jpg 98186716], so I was expecting this one to be absolutely fantastic too. And it was good, but I just wanted more. The conflict was completely different than what I expected the conflict to be (People magazine figuring out that Jess was being paid to hang out with River, but nope that was never mentioned again; instead it was about two of the guys in the company forging River and Jess' genetic data so they'd be a Diamond Match), which was fine but the implications for the company were more serious than the implications for the relationship. More more more! More what? I don't know, but give me more!Fizzy continued to be the best character, and Juno was also pretty awesome, and it was neat to see a romance with a single mom.