The Space Between Worlds
2015 • 336 pages


Average rating3.9


Overall I quite enjoyed this book. I loved the riddle of the multiverse that it started with. As we progressed through Cara???s experience on Earth 125 I will admit I started to think ???Oh god is this going to be a ???365 Days??? like Stockholm syndrome plot???? But my fears were unfounded and the rest of the novel unfolded with the interesting sort of point-counterpoint, plot-twist, cross, double-cross one-two punch that kept me turning the pages. It is a much more nuanced take on abuse and survivors and resilience than I initially gave it credit for. The author has really taken the time to think through the implications of her multiverse world AND tied that to interesting characters who make reasonable decisions and grow as they experience and develop events and understandings in their world. Wonderful.

June 29, 2022Report this review