Average rating3.4
2.5 stars!!!
I really wanted to love this because the concept was really interesting. The idea of a cult where food is sin and a girl's stuggle with joining the real world afterwards definitely set my expectations too high. I'm not one to seek out spice in the books I read, and I think if I had known that sex was a large part of the story, I wouldn't have requested an ARC for this novel. I wish we could've gotten more of the restaurant because them trying to figure out how to make delicious food with limited resources was super interesting to me. Overall, I was a bit confused whenever we switched POVs and I didn't even know there was a “King” until like 3/4 of the way though the book. That could've been my fault for not catching it earlier but it still didn't seem like a necessary storyline to follow. I would be interested in going back and reading this author's previous novel because I've had it on my TBR shelf for a few years now, and I did enjoy the writing style, this book just wasn't for me.
Thank you to Gallery Books, Saga Press, and NetGalley for providing me with an eBook copy to review.