This story was very much tied to the family. The turmoil, the dissension, the love, and the togetherness all came together to create a realistic family going through tough times that have the potential to split them apart. I liked that broken trust and finding true trust in God were highlighted. It was neat to see the domino effect: One choice by one person makes changes for so many people. This is true in real life, and it was well reflected here in this book.
Perhaps my favorite aspect of this story was that there were two couples whose stories were basically parallel to each other. One couple had 20+ years of experience but the other was just starting out with a courtship. It was wonderful to see the contrast between the two relationships as well as how similar both could be since emotions know no age.
I was shocked there was a single expletive in this book. This is the first time I've ever seen such a vulgar word in a Beverly Lewis book.
Content: one expletive