Seventeen-year-old Jocelyn follows clues apparently from her dead twin, Jack, in and around Seale House, the terrifying foster home where they once lived, and with help from childhood friend Noah she begins to uncover the truth about Jack's death and the company that employed him and Noah.
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I really enjoyed this read. It is a mystery, a paranormal suspense, and a book about secret codes all whipped into one. Jocey is one of the strongest and smartest heroines I have read in a good, long while. She can take care of herself pretty well, but there is an undertone of a slightly unreliable nature to her (she did just lose her twin brother to a horrible car accident).
The Seale House is very strange, but not as strange as the things that happened to the foster children that lived there. Something may be “living” in the basement, and it bites.
On top of the haunted house/haunted past plot we are faced with the return of Jocey's dead twin brother's alter ego, the mysterious, code writing “Jason December”.
I loved the codes, and I loved the tour of Watertown and parts of Canada.
I was (am) a little unsure of Noah. I do not feel that I understood that character at all.
What impressed me deeply was Myers ability to connect me to these children. She gives the right details at the right time to make me really feel like I was at Seale House. This is good stuff.
Much of the past appears as tiny snippets of flashbacks, and at first that annoyed me, but I realized they were little peeks of the big picture.
Overall, this is a really mature read I would recommend to my adult friends and to teens who can handle the “harder” stuff. It is not a light read and requires the patience of a saint because reveals are looong in coming, but the suspense of the story will get you there.