Cover 8

The Visitor

The Visitor


Average rating3.3


Rating: 4.2 leaves out of 5Characters: 4.1/5 Cover: 5/5Story: 3.52/5Writing: 4/5Genre: Horror/Thriller/Sci-FiType: BookWorth?: YesHated Disliked It Was Okay Liked Really Liked Loved FavoritedI saw this on a few booktok vids and the cover alone had me wanting to read this book and reading the summary of it added bonus points to it followed by it being only 84 pages. I wanted to read it for Christmas and it was the perfect size for such a busy time of the year. I think if you like Alien vs. Predator or even really just liked Prey I think you would like this in a way. I felt like Sergio pulled somewhat from that and I don't hate it. I loved the movies so and having it play some kind of base for this was really nice. Also the fact that I rather watch than read my Sci-fi is something and me liking this book just says something. There is something about mixing horror and Christmas that sends it to another level. It isn't something you expect on a happy holiday so feeling spooked by this book, even with the little that I did, means a good bit to me. All in all I really recommend this book to anyone who likes the categorizes listed above and if you like really short reads. That gift Sergio gives us is nice, especially for me who is in that group of people!

December 17, 2022Report this review