Average rating3.3
DNF @ 10%/ 3 chapters
2.5 stars, rounded up.
Could I keep reading? Probably, but I'm tired of reading books where the main character is thrown into situations without support or explanation and is just supposed to know what to do. A little bit? Sure, but at this point I feel like the whole book is going that route. She passes out from seeing a werewolf, thinks the manor is full of aliens and is told “that's not it” and before anything can be explained we are rushing through for the surprise visitors. No, please. I understand it gives urgency and puts the MC into funny situations, but I really just want someone to sit her down and explain things because I'm getting places and people's names mixed up. Nothing feels solid.
But, it is quirky and has a magical inn– sorry, manor– and she's going to work there figuring things out. I want to love this so much, this is exactly the kind of setting and type of book I want to read. Instead, I'll just go read Innkeeper Chronicles again.