Average rating3.6
I have to say [a:Paul Harding's 4371731 Paul Harding https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1328557292p2/4371731.jpg] “[b:Tinkers 4957350 Tinkers Paul Harding https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1364258693l/4957350.SX50.jpg 5023150]” left me feeling unmoved and dissatisfied - like so many other books this year... The novel revolves around an old man named George who is dying from cancer, and the narrative follows his thoughts and memories as he grapples with his mortality. The language used by the author is often ornate and overwrought, which, coupled with the slow pacing of the story, made for a tedious reading experience.The characters lack depth and development, with George being the only character with any discernible personality traits, and even those are underwhelming. The supporting cast feels two-dimensional, failing to contribute anything meaningful to the narrative.The themes of loss, mortality, and the passing of time are not uncommon in literature, but Harding's handling of them is clichéd and trite. Rather than telling a compelling story, the author seems more concerned with showcasing his literary prowess.In conclusion, “Tinkers” is not a book that I would recommend to others. While the themes it explores are important, the execution leaves much to be desired. Two out of five stars.Blog Facebook Twitter Mastodon Instagram Pinterest Medium Matrix TumblrCeterum censeo Putin esse delendam