Average rating4.2
This is the 6th book in this series so if you haven't read the previous books you should probably skip this review because there will probably be spoilers for the previous books.
This is probably my least favorite book out of the entire series but saying that I did still enjoy it. I was informed that this was initially going to be a novella but the author decided to make it a full length novel. I get why she decided to make it a novella because it wouldn't have really fit with the other novellas however I feel like this one ended up being to long for what it was.
This book starts by Chaol and Nesryn arriving in Antica which is where they headed at the end of book 4 I believe because Chaol was seriously injured and he needed to be healed. This book slowed the pace of this series down so much and a lot of it really wasn't needed and it was kind of repetitive at points. I get why this book was needed and like I said I did still really enjoy it but I think it would have been better if it would have been a little bit shorter.
I wasn't totally on board with the possibility of Chaol being able to be healed because it just isn't realistic but by the end I was on board plus I did truly want him to be healed. I loved the representation in this book. Because of Chaol's injury he has to use a wheelchair. He goes from hating being in a wheelchair to actually realizing he's just as much a man in the chair as he is in the chair. He has a lot of growth throughout this book and while I've always loved Chaol this made me love him even more.
I loved the relationships that bloom in this book and I loved how we meet new characters but also have some characters pop back up from the novellas. Because we have characters from the novellas popping up throughout the entirety of this series I would definitely recommend you read the novella bind up before starting the series. I'm so glad Destiny recommended we read them first because it's like everything comes full circle that way.