Average rating4.3
Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars
Source: Purchased :: Audio
Summary (Spoiler Free): I find it really hard to summarize this book. It is the conclusion to the Unwind Dystology and much of the book is wrapping up the loose ends from the three previous books. Connor and Risa are determined to get the organ printer into the hands of a company who can mass produce them, all in the hopes of putting an end to unwinding. Cam still works behind the scenes to take down Proactive Citizenry, and Lev is ... well Lev.
My Thoughts: After the rest of this series, this book was kind of.. whomp whomp. I wanted to read it because I'd gotten this far in the series and wanted to know how it ended, but.. I don't know. It just didn't wow me. There were some unnecessary parts, and others were just plain too convenient. The parts that were supposed to get you emotionally, just didn't do it for me and I think that just shows how disconnected I was from the characters by this point in the series. It was an okay read and I'm glad that I know how things end, but I would've definitely changed some things and took out the convenience of the ending.