God-Filled Strategies to Transform the Way You Think, Feel, and Live
by Andrea Renee Cox
Optimism and positivity are things I've worked hard on since I was an early teen. Sometimes I still struggle, especially on difficult days, but overall, my mind has been transformed by the mighty hand of God. When Unsinkable Faith came up on my reading list, I had a feeling it was going to be good. Once I dove into it, I realized it is a fantastic tool for guarding one's mind against those pesky negative thoughts that like to creep up in the worst of moments. I am so glad I read this book, and I hope you'll find it helpful too!
The only thing that bothered me about this book was that the end-of-chapter strategies sections seemed to be written by someone other than Tracie Miles. They were written in the third person and in a completely different voice than the rest of the book. Other than that, it was a great book with a powerful message and lots of tips and examples for increased faith and an improved thought life.
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