Until I found you

Until I found you


Average rating3.5


3.5 Stars. Being generous.

The author is a great writer, and I liked the characters–all of them. A lot. What I had trouble with is the SUPER RUSHED ENDING. SUPPPPPERRRR rushed. Kate didn't even MEET Nick's family but she's comfortable with his brother marrying them? Or has she been attending his congregation this whole time? I DON'T KNOW.

Furthermore, I found her conversion horribly lacking. Not sure if it is just a difference in opinion between me and the author though. There was little Bible verses mentioned (only one, Jeremiah 29:11 used wonderfully out of context) and lots of “Well, I WANT God to be real because then I can be happy like Leona and Nick are happy.” I don't know, I would have liked it to be based on Bible verses that helped her, maybe a good sermon and not birds and “feelings.”

Also, the bird asides were weird. Did not work for me at all.

June 6, 2016Report this review