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A copy of this book was e-mailed to me in exchange for an honest review.
Okay, before I start the actual review, let me just fangirl for a moment.
cue fangirlingOh my days, this is an absolutely amazing book! I hope the author writes a thousand books akin to this, because I'll read the heck out of all of them. And of course, what would a fangirl moment be without this: asdfghjkl I just can't even! Scance/Vacar (ship names for the two main characters-don't judge me, those are the best I could come up with-I like Scance the best) are OTP and I hope this book becomes a movie so I can see some Scance action on the screens! EEPcease fangirling
Are you looking for a New Adult novel that once you start reading, you physically cannot stop until your eyes feel like they're in hell? Well, look no further! Get off your horse, make camp and get ready to read a fantabulous book!
No, but like seriously, the amount of times I swooned in this book is more than when I read All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven (if you haven't read it, you're wasting your time!). By the time you're onto the second chapter of Use Somebody, you'll want to stay home and do nothing until you've finished the book (I was contemplating not going to work).
The story is that Scar (full name Scarlett Rossi-thumbs up for the Italian surname) moves back to her hometown after a traumatic experience at college (which you, the reader, can read it and cry for yourself). She begins at an ice cream shop (a place I should never work at, because all the ice cream would be eaten on the first day, more like in the first hour.) Her co-worker is Vance Holloway, an adorable little s*t who loves pancakes, has great taste in music and somebody I would love to go out, mostly for his enthusiasm. Along with adorable moments, like the inevitable thinking of the pair's friends that the two are together (because, of course, a guy and a girl can never be simply friends-eye roll), this novel is so adorably heartbreaking, you'll find yourself reaching for a tissue and wanting to work at an ice cream shop.
Final Verdict: An undoubtedly wondrous well-written novel that reaches into your heart and squeezes it so hard that you won't be able to breathe for a few days.
Would I recommend this novel to anyone?: Abso-flogin'-lutely.