Average rating4
While I did enjoy this, it wasn't as good as Mechanica, I think. For me, the best part without a doubt was the relationship between Nick, Caro and Fin. I mean, I just adore those three so much and I loved seeing their relationship progress and it was really wonderful how comfortable they are with each other and how much they trust and rely on each other. Beyond that, the story just didn't do for me what it could have.
Review from my blog: https://athousandworldssite.wordpress.com/
Honestly, the easiest thing to say about this book was that I liked it, but didn't love it. The biggest reason I was excited for it was the relationship between Nick, Caro and Fin. I don't know how to describe it and, wonderfully enough, there's never a name put to it.
It definitely was lovely though, and seeing them work together and love and trust each other was beautiful. Without a doubt it was my favorite thing in the story.
But this book was surprisingly different then the previous. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I was expecting more in the way of slow moving character development and was quite surprised at the amount of death in this book and how truly unpleasant things get.
Nick has continued to grow as a person and, honestly, shows a lot of development that I might not have credited her with. She's brave and strong, but she also leans on her friends – who, in turn, lean on her. (Once again, love those three together.)
She's faced with several trials through the story (several twists) that I think she handled wonderfully. Well, for the most part. I don't think running away from your problems helps anything, but she dealt with them eventually and stayed true to herself.
The twists were...well, the first one was obvious. I wasn't sure what the explanation would be, but I did see it coming from very early on it the book. I kind of think that it maybe wasn't supposed to be a surprise because it was followed up with another twist almost immediately. (That one I didn't see coming.)
Over all, a lot of questions were answered, it was nice to see Faerie, closure was had, and I still wanted to know more of what Nick, Caro and Fin were doing. (Also, I have to say, I adore the Faerie culture. They understand Nick's relationship in a way that humans won't and it was so lovely.)