Average rating4.1
Same as previous ones.
I appreciate the author's ability to avoid falling into common cliches. There isn't always a looming doom awaiting to happen. The protagonists aren't always in peril. The antagonists don't have a fool proof master plan to take over the world.
The characters are just people, and beings learning how to be people. It is light on psychological depth, but there is enough character development to create some empathy and word development to create attachment.
The series theme reads like “humankind vs nature”. And nature always wins. I love the consistency the author maintains, avoiding the trapping of sensationalist plots.
I wish there were more logical debates, but at least the few that happened seemed sound and valid to me.
Plot advancements
- the liberated Cassandra Sangue were taken care fo by the Intuits and the Others- the HFL grand scheme was discovered and it seems the movement is about to loose some steam- the Courtyard started housing a pack of humans- the Others nearly decided for extermination of humankind for their breach of trust