Average rating3.3
I felt like I was reading a horror novel instead of a dystopia. The first third of the book, specifically, was enraging. It's the setup - the explanation of how the world is now, and how it came to be that way - that made me have to set the book down twice and walk away to calm down.
The book is the story of Dr. Jean McClellan, cognitive linguist. The forced silence is particularly painful for her, a former scientist who was working on a cure for people who had brain injuries or strokes affecting the Wernicke area of the brain, where we process language. She was about to start restoring language to people who had lost it, only to have it stolen from her and every other woman in the country.
The book opens on Dr. McClellan being asked to return to her work, because the President's brother suffered a brain injury while skiing and can no longer understand language. As one of the most important advisors to the president, the government needs him. In return for the removal of both her bracelet and her daughter's, she agrees, hoping to find some way to sabotage the work.
Vox sets out a sequence of events that seems far too feasible for comfort. The religious right extends its foothold from the Bible Belt to more and more of the country, pushing a return to “traditional family values” while methodically stripping freedoms from women and LGBT people. Women's passports are surreptitiously cancelled, schools are split and classes on Christian theology introduced to the boys' schools. Girls' schools consist of very basic math (so they can continue to do the grocery shopping and cooking!) and a ton of home ec. Sewing, Cooking, Housekeeping. LGBT people are sent to prisons/camps unless they marry someone of the opposite sex and produce kids. Basically, it's the right wing's dream world.
It's a horrifying scenario. Even given all the dystopia I've read, this book rocked me. It definitely belongs in the league of The Handmaid's Tale and The Power. My only complaint is I wish the ending had been a little more drawn out, and explained the fallout in a bit more detail. Other than that, though, amazing book.
You can find all my reviews at Goddess in the Stacks.