What the Doctor Ordered

What the Doctor Ordered

2004 • 286 pages


Average rating3


Not quite what I expected.

While I'm not sure I would classify this story as a typical rom-com (I'm leaning a bit more towards... I dunno... chick-lit? women's fiction?), it was an entertaining read featuring delightfully quirky, likeable (or, in Aunt Bertie's case, downright lovable) characters.
Seriously, I LOVE Bertie! She's a wonderful human being with an interesting perspective, as illustrated by this quote:

“It's funny—we see everyone else clearly, but have to depend on mirrors to see ourselves. Before mirrors were invented, I suppose everyone just assumed they were beautiful. It seems like a much better system, don't you agree?”

Speaking of Bertie, I felt the story was more focused on Ellie's relationship with her aunt rather than her (developing) relationship (or lack thereof) with John, even though Aunt Bertie does her darnedest to push these two together.

IMHO, the romance part felt a bit rushed and went from grudging (mostly) physical attraction to “I love you” with little in between. Still, there were certainly scenes that made me smile (or laugh) - and yes, there were also tears.

4/5 stars

June 25, 2022Report this review