This book blew me away when I was a teenager. Now that I'm thirty... not so much. Apparently, I hadn't learned a couple of expletives back then, but I know what they mean now (and I refuse to use them in any fashion). I also now know what sexual innuendo, teen pregnancy, and inconsistencies are. As I read the book this time around, I couldn't imagine how I liked it last time, since one of the three leads was in love with a married woman through the entire book... even though he ended up marrying someone else. To me, that's vile behavior and not something I care to read.
What I liked about this book was the leads' passion for serving God and the people of Sudan. Their ministry was wonderful (though overshadowed dramatically by the negatives I already mentioned). The surprising twists came at fabulous times in the story line. Finally, the medical details seemed to be well researched and layered into the story in a natural and beautiful way.
Other content: native nudity
I was not compensated for my honest review.