Average rating4
So clearly from my review of the first book, I wasn't the biggest fan there. This one also does so many of the same things I didn't like: Moves too fast, too much just relating what is going on, and the weird relationship stuff.
The author constantly felt the need to immediately hook up all the characters like some over-excited matchmaker. Every time a new member joins the group someone becomes instantly attracted and we had to go through a lot of groan-inducing side plots to get them together. Don't get me wrong I understand perfectly well that people are gonna do just that, especially in this scenario, but it still felt so forced.
Although thankfully here there aren't any overly silly scenes where characters did the dumbest stuff and frustrated me. There's also a load of fun action scenes that I did genuinely enjoy.
A lot of it felt like The Walking Dead TV show and that I say that to summon up all the good and bad that statement brings to mind. There's a section where the group goes up against a crazed group leader called the Preacher and it was enjoyable. A lot of the usual zombie story tropes are there and I suppose that's just how it will always go in these things.
The change in character point of view didn't freshen it up as much as I would have liked as it was still written all the same. I had a hard time remembering what character was what because honestly they aren't very developed and mostly just described by their relationships and skillsets.
But as I was nearing the end I found myself being won over and I actually enjoyed this book overall. It had fun action and an impactful ending.