Average rating4.3
I've been buddy reading this trilogy with Erin and Regina. Destiny read the first book with us but DNFed Foxglove and I can't really blame her. I loved the first book, and I struggled to get through Foxglove and by the time I finished it I just thought it was ok. I started this one back in October and it took me forever to finish it but not because the book was bad or anything I was just in a weird reading mood for the last half of 2024 and just wasn't in the mood for this one. I went into this one a bit skeptical after the letdown that was Foxglove, but this one ended up being my favorite out of all of them. This was everything I wanted and more. I loved the growth from being enemies to friends to lovers. I laughed out loud and even got teary eyed toward the end. I'm so glad I stuck this one out because it ended with a banger although technically this isn't the end because there is a novella coming out toward the end of the year and I will be going into that one hopefully optimistic.