Wrong Alibi
2020 • 400 pages


Average rating3.3


I really teetered with my rating for this one and am so sad to rate it a one. But by the end everything just unraveled and became so ridiculous I no longer cared about the ending. That coupled with all the other issues I had leaves me no choice but to give this a one star.

I do want to start by saying I think the author did a great job of setting up the premise, the setting and Evelyn as a character. I really enjoyed that and that part was well written.

I had a really big issue with the dialouge, however. It was so stilted and really made the plot tough to follow. Maybe its because its an arc and some of it will get cleaned up before the book releases. Some of the characters felt just so weak and one dimensional too and I just honestly did not get the point of them being there.

Finally, the weird inclusion of the super weird romantic subplot just threw me all the way off. Just, why? And the writing there was very dry. Almost like the author didn't even want to include it but was forced to by an editor or something. Just seemed unnecessary and very unbelievable.

I wish we had focused in more on Evelyn's background, how it related to her mom, and the mystery only and left it at that.

*I was provided a free ARC by the publisher

December 10, 2020Report this review