Average rating5
The language was witty, the heroines were brave and cunning, and the young men were dashing (cue intense swooning). I was pleasantly surprised by it all, and ended up reading the whole book in a single sitting. It was honestly hard to put down (and, as you know from my previous reviews, I'm not the easiest to impress). I'm such a sucker for anything 1)historical, 2)British and 3)clever. I'm happy that I found all three in this story.
The whole story was just so British, I couldn't help but loved it. Of course, every good family is in need of a male heir (enter three mildly interesting suitors)! And every good family is in need of loyal servants to fight off the undead and to see to their every whim!
The author stayed true to the time period and made it believable (i.e., I didn't think I was reading a contemporary novel, even though I was). I loved the well-read Fanny and her analyses of the situation. Right at the start of the book, her display of knowledge of Bram Stoker's Dracula got me hooked on her character (anybody who can reference Stoker is A-okay in my books). I'm starting to notice a trope/trend with kitchen maids; they're always the cleverest ones in the house!