14 books in series

Superman (2016)

Superman (2016) is a 14-book series with 7 primary works first released in 2016 with contributions by Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, and 4 others.

Superman, Volume 1: Son of Superman

2017 • 14 Readers • 176 pages 4.1

Superman. Vol 2, Trials of the super son

2017 • 10 Readers • 168 pages 4.2


2017 • 5 Readers • 144 pages 3.7

Black Dawn

2017 • 5 Readers • 176 pages 3

Superman, Volume 5: Hopes and Fears

2018 • 4 Readers • 128 pages 3.3

Superman, Volume 6: Imperius Lex

2018 • 4 Readers • 168 pages 3

Superman Reborn

2017 • 5 Readers 3.5