11 books in series

Thomas Covenant

Thomas Covenant is a 11-book series with 10 primary works first released in 1977 with contributions by Stephen R. Donaldson.

Lord Foul's Bane

2009 • 176 Readers • 548 pages 3

The Illearth War

1978 • 61 Readers • 546 pages 3.7

The Power That Preserves

1978 • 44 Readers • 480 pages 3.7

The Wounded Land

1980 • 46 Readers • 514 pages 3.7

The One Tree

1982 • 38 Readers • 496 pages 3.8

White Gold Wielder

1983 • 39 Readers • 485 pages 3.6

The Runes of the Earth

2004 • 28 Readers • 532 pages 3.8

Fatal Revenant

2007 • 17 Readers • 654 pages 3.8

Against All Things Ending

2010 • 16 Readers • 772 pages 4.7

The Last Dark

2013 • 14 Readers • 557 pages 4.5