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#14 | Guak'toká Taíno! Guak'toká Taíno! : We are Taíno!
#15 | Ananí and the Cave of Cacibajagua Ananí and the Cave of Cacibajagua
#16 | Hekití and the Moon Hekití and the Moon: A Taíno Legend
#17 | Rise of the Jumbies Rise of the Jumbies
#18 | El secreto del plátano El secreto del plátano
#19 | The Tainos and Caribs The Tainos and Caribs: The History of the Indigenous Natives Who Encountered Christopher Columbus in 1492
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#22 | |
#23 | The Jumbie God's Revenge The Jumbie God's Revenge
#24 | Un pregón de frutas Un pregón de frutas
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