I legit skipped 5 pages of Wayne rambling to Marasi. A little Wayne once in a while is nice, but dear gods i could not stand the “banter” in this book.
The Cosmere reveals are insane though.
Exceptional world building, but just like the first short story, the mystery is very very weak. The book practically tells us who AW is. I figured out who AW was, a loong while ago. But when the big bad reveal came, Fatma dragged on the reveal on and on and on. And the fact that Fatma never even considered that AW might be a woman, was insulting to the character, and the feminist values the book focuses on.
Except the reveal, the villainous sermon AW gives at the end, and the new nine big bads, a lovely book. Loved the world building, and couldn't wait to explore more of this universe.
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