#410 | |
#411 | |
#412 | |
#413 | |
#414 | My Brilliant Friend - Elena Ferrante
- Ann Goldstein (Translator)
#415 | |
#416 | A fountain filled with blood |
#417 | |
#418 | |
#419 | |
#420 | |
#421 | |
#422 | |
#424 | Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan
- Patricia Sebastián Hernández (Translator)
#425 | |
#426 | |
#427 | |
#429 | This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar
- Max Gladstone
#430 | |
#431 | In the Hall with the Knife A Clue Mystery, Book One |
#432 | |
#433 | |
#434 | Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow |
#435 | Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow |
#436 | |
#437 | |
#438 | The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels |
#439 | Last Night at the Telegraph Club |
#440 | |
#441 | Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder |
#442 | Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows |
#443 | The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry |
#444 | The Night She Disappeared |
#445 | |
#446 | |
#448 | |
#449 | |
#450 | |
#451 | |
#453 | |
#454 | |
#455 | |
#456 | |
#457 | |
#458 | |
#459 | |
#460 | |
#461 | |
#462 | |
#463 | |
#464 | |
#465 | Het lege graf - Jonathan Stroud
- Ineke van Bronswijk (Translator)
- Betty Klaasse (Translator)
#466 | |
#467 | The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne |
#468 | Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands |
#469 | Less - Andrew Sean Greer
- Elena Dal Pra (Translator)
#470 | |
#471 | The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing |
#472 | |
#473 | The Law of Finders Keepers |
#474 | |