I had originally started this last spring and when classes became busy I had put it down. These past few days I have picked it up again and really enjoyed seeing the relationships unfold and over time come back together in beautiful ways.
I found Sam and Sadie's friendship through the years incredibly enjoyable even when things got rough for them. This was a wonderful and painful journey to be on!
When first starting this book it was just a side read since nothing else would load on my phone while at the gym. I went into this read knowing nothing about the book and when it first switched to chobi's perspective I remember reading part of it to my sister and being like “isn't that creepy with out the context of know it's a cat” which was a fun little laugh for us. Also at the same time it reminded me of a TikTok that was like no one is going to love you the way your male cat is because of the intensity that they watch you. Having a cat I found It an enjoyable read, and seeing the cats connection with the dog too was so cute.
I found this a whole some read and would recommend this to anyone who has a cat. I found myself not always wanting to pick it up so it only got 4 stars. But the ending was my favorite part seeing the characters come together at the end warmed my heart, especially the cats realizing their wishes came true.
This was a beautifully illustrated and powerful story about a Korean-American coming of age. While I went into this hearing amazing stuff but not knowing much else I walk away in tears because of how beautiful and well told this memoir was. It was heartbreaking seeing the father want to help through out and the phone call to him at the end had me in tears. Truly a beautiful book!
So far in the series this might be one of my favorite non combat one! Very funny
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