#101 | |
#102 | |
#103 | |
#104 | The Tento Saga The Tento Saga: Mankind's Perilous Journey - Jason William Egroff
- Samuel Orlando
#105 | The sixty-minute Shakespeare--Twelfth night |
#106 | |
#107 | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
#108 | |
#109 | |
#110 | Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
- Isabel Florence Hapgood (Translator)
#111 | |
#112 | |
#113 | |
#114 | |
#115 | Applied Natural Science: Environmental Issues and Global Perspectives - Mark D. Goldfein
- Alexey V. Ivanov
#116 | The Ghost Map: A Street, an Epidemic and the Two Men Who Battled to Save Victorian London |
#117 | American Injustice: Inside Stories from the Underbelly of the Criminal Justice System |
#118 | Střípky Duší - Mary Lindsey
- Andrea Vašíčková (Translator)
#119 | Psychology & LaunchPad - David G. Myers
- C. Nathan DeWall
#120 | Leading Cops: DecisionMaking for the Law Enforcement Leader |
#121 | |
#122 | Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics |
#123 | Life: The Leading Edge of Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Anthropology, and Environmental Science |
#124 | |
#125 | Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crime - John E. Douglas
- Ann Wolbert Burgess
- Alan Burgess
#126 | |
#127 | AWS AWS: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Mastering Amazon Web Services |
#128 | The Psychology of Law: Human Behavior, Legal Institutions, and Law - Bruce Dennis Sales
- Daniel Krauss
#129 | Manipulation Manipulation: Highly Effective Persuasion and Manipulation Techniques People of Power Use for Deception and Influence, Including 7 Laws of Human Behavior, NLP Tips, and Strategies of Dark Psychology |
#130 | How to Analyze People How to Analyze People: The Definitive Guide to Analyzing Intelligence and Reading Body Language as Well as Mental Training to Influence Human Behavior with Psychological Control Techniques |
#131 | Law and Human Behavior: A Study in Behavioral Biology, Neuroscience, and the Law |
#132 | |
#133 | |
#134 | Seven Clues: A Catholic Treasure Hunt - Scott Hahn
- Maura Roan McKeegan
#135 | Do Not Disturb the Dragon! |
#136 | Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience |
#137 | |
#138 | The House in the Cerulean Sea |
#139 | |
#140 | Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever |
#141 | Loose-Leaf for Applied Statistics in Business and Economics |
#142 | The Big Red Book of Beginner Books - P.D. Eastman
- Joan Heilbroner
- Al Perkins
- Marilyn Sadler
- Robert Lopshire
#143 | |
#144 | Anthropology: Asking Questions About Human Origins, Diversity, and Culture |
#145 | BUNDLE: Schutt: Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research, 9e (Paperback) + Schutt: Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research, 9e IEB |
#146 | Criminal Behavior Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach - Curt R. Bartol
- Anne M. Bartol
#147 | Laws and Explanation in the Social Sciences: Defending a Science of Human Behavior |
#148 | Emerging Global Cities: Origin, Structure, and Significance - Alejandro Portes
- Ariel C. Armony
#149 | The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success |
#150 | |
#151 | |
#152 | 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook |
#153 | Encyclopedia of Community Policing and Problem Solving |
#154 | Electronic Community-Oriented Policing: Theories, Contemporary Efforts, and Future Directions - Xiaochen Hu
- Nicholas P. Lovrich
#155 | |
#156 | On the Parole Board: Reflections on Crime, Punishment, Redemption, and Justice |
#157 | |
#158 | |
#159 | |
#160 | |
#161 | The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice - Ronet D. Bachman
- Russell K. Schutt
#162 | The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation |
#163 | Aviation Security Aviation Security: After Four Decades, It's Time for a Fundamental Review |
#164 | Measuring and Improving Social Impacts: A Guide for Nonprofits, Companies, and Impact Investors - Marc J. Epstein
- Kristi Yuthas
#165 | |
#166 | |
#167 | |
#168 | |
#169 | |
#170 | Moist Gusset: Romance written through the eyes of a woman, by a man. |
#171 | |
#172 | The eom Expression: Beautiful Chaos - A Satirical Science Fiction Adventure |
#173 | |
#174 | |
#175 | |
#176 | Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
- Giulia Arborio Mella (Translator)
#177 | |
#178 | Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark: Three Books to Chill Your Bones: All 3 Scary Stories Books with the Original Art! |
#179 | |
#180 | |
#181 | Journeys: Little Big Book Grade K Kitten's First Full Moon |
#182 | The Iliad - Homer
- Alexander Pope (Translator)
#183 | Pete the Cat Screams for Ice Cream! |
#184 | Disney Block: Magical Moments for Fans of Every Age |
#185 | |
#186 | |
#187 | Brown Bear and Friends Colors |
#188 | |
#189 | |
#190 | |
#191 | |
#192 | |
#193 | The Very Clumsy Click Beetle |
#194 | Do you want to be my friend? |
#195 | |
#196 | Arthur's Teacher Trouble (Arthur Adventure Series) |
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#199 | |
#200 | |