#2 | What's the Matter With Kansas? | 3.85 | 14 reads | |
#3 | Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair & Balanced Look at the Right | 3.62 | 25 reads | |
#4 | Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America | 0 | 2 reads | |
#5 | The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States | 4.21 | 21 reads | |
#6 | | 4.21 | 4,241 reads | |
#7 | Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She? | 0 | 0 reads | |
#8 |  Pro Truth Pro Truth: A Practical Plan for Putting Truth Back Into Politics | 0 | 0 reads | |