Bartleby O povestire de pe Wall Street - Herman Melville
- Petre Solomon (Translator)
The Iliad / The Odyssey - Homer
- Samuel Butler (Translator)
Balade Si Idile: 1883-1890 |
H.P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life |
The gospel of Mary Magdalene - Jean-Yves Leloup (Translator)
La carte et le territoire |
Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Döblin
- Eugene Jolas (Translator)
Poésies Complètes - François Villon
- Galway Kinnell (Translator)
Calligrammes, Poèmes de la Paix et de la Guerre |
The philosopher and the wolf lessons from the wild on love, death, and happiness |
Man's Fate - André Malraux
- Haakon Chevalier (Translator)
- A.R. Ferrarin (translator)
Existentialism and Human Emotions |
Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death |
Amintiri din copilărie. Poveşti. Povestiri |
The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell |
Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel
- T.E. Hulme (Translator)
- Jack Joseph Roth (Translator)
Door Into the Dark: Poems |
Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy |
Amor intellectualis. Romanul unei educații |
Linistea de dinaintea linistei |
Povestea mea: alia avatar |
Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de Vinci |
Carte de poeme - Federico García Lorca
- Darie Novăceanu (Translator)
Măştile lui M.I. Gabriel Liiceanu în dialog cu Mircea Ivănescu - Gabriel Liiceanu
- Mircea Ivănescu
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
Whatever - Michel Houellebecq
- Paul Hammond (Translator)
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair - Pablo Neruda
- W.S. Merwin (Translator)
Mi se spune capucin: proză, scenete, fragmente - Daniil Kharms
- Emil Iordache (Translator)
The Last Temptation of Christ - Nikos Kazantzakis
- Peter A. Bien (Translator)
Twenty Years After (The D'Artagnan Romances #2) |
Les particules élémentaires |
Cioran sau excesul ca filosofie |
Platform - Michel Houellebecq
- Frank Wynne
Jung: A Very Short Introduction |
Ghicit de seara. 77 povesti foarte scurte |
Le souci des plaisirs: construction d'une érotique solaire |
Notes from Underground, White Nights, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, and Selections from The House of the Dead |
Identity - Milan Kundera
- Linda Asher (Translator)
Journey Around My Room and a Nocturnal Expedition Around My Room |
Poveste cu doi necunoscuți: Dostoievski și Tolstoi |
Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History |
Animal Farm - George Orwell
- Boris Grabnar (Translator)
- Celâl Üster (Translator)
- Celâl Üstüner (Translator)
The Wisdom of Life and Counsels and Maxims - Arthur Schopenhauer
- T. Bailey Saunders (Translator)
Maxims - François de La Rochefoucauld
Noaptea de Sinziene, Vol. 2 |
Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev
- Constance Garnett (Translator)
Bel-Ami - Guy de Maupassant
- Douglas Parmée (translator)
- Alev Özgüner
Ascetica, De redders van God en Symposium - Nikos Kazantzakis
- Bert Groen (Translator)
- Hero Hekwerda (Translator)