Christmas Ranch Rescue - Lynette Eason
- Lauryn Eason
The King's Reluctant Bride |
The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond |
The House that Love Built |
The Madman of Black Bear Mountain |
Attack of the Bayport Beast |
Prague Winter - Madeleine Albright
- William Woodward
A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy |
The Cost of Betrayal - Dee Henderson
- Dani Pettrey
- Lynette Eason
I Am N - Voice of the Martyrs (Organization)
Gone without a trace - Bradley, Patricia (Educator)
The Hugo Movie Companion: A Behind the Scenes Look at How a Beloved Book Became a Major Motion Picture |
Twilight at Blueberry Barrens |
Limitless: The Power of Hope and Resilience to Overcome Circumstance |
The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family |
Race to the Bottom of the Earth: Surviving Antarctica |
Captive: 2,147 Days of Terror in the Colombian Jungle |
Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy |
Putting the Rabbit in the Hat |
The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip |
Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted |