TL;DR: gripping story, amazing writing. A little bit predictive but exciting at the same time.
Although it took me a lot longer than I expected to finish this book, it was an amazing one.
Being my first audiobook, it took me some time getting used to listen to something on the phone when there are dozens of distractions ( as I'm wtiting this a notification comes buzzing and reminding me that the app has got my shopping covered ).
Read a book is quite different. You have the book and that's it. For me listening through the phone was harder than I expected but the book always brought me back as I wanted to know how things unfold.
It was a little bit predictive but I still always found myself wondering what happens next and how. The story is good. I did miss gadgets though - like I did in the previous novel.
Do you know how dumb a chess grandmaster has to be to be beaten in 6 moves?
I want to read this book again. Only this time, I'll make sure I understand every reference made.