| 3.86 |
| 4.27 |
| 5 |
| 3.63 |
| 0 |
Business Model Generation - Alexander Osterwalder
- Yves Pigneur
| 3.95 |
| 3.89 |
| 3.53 |
| 3.48 |
| 4 |
The One Minute Manager - Kenneth H. Blanchard
- Spencer Johnson
| 3.42 |
Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People - Joseph O'Connor
- John Seymour
| 3 |
Figuring Out People: Reading People Using Meta-Programs - L. Michael Hall
- Bob G. Bodenhamer
| 0 |
The Structure of Magic I: A Book about Language and Therapy - Richard Bandler
- John Grinder
| 0 |
The Structure of Magic II - John Grinder
- Richard Bandler
| 0 |
 Telling Lies Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage | 2.5 |
Unmasking the Face - Paul Ekman
- Wallace V. Friesen
| 4.5 |
Persuasion Engineering - Richard Bandler
- John La Valle
| 0 |
An Insiders Guide to Sub Modalities - Richard Bandler
- Will Macdonald
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 5 |
 Reframing Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning - Richard Bandler
- John Grinder
| 0 |
| 4 |
| 3.82 |
L'agenda du l'apprenti écrivain | 0 |
La Vie Extraordinaire Des Gens Ordinaires | 3 |
| 4 |
| 3.5 |
| 3.62 |
| 3.93 |
| 4.21 |
| 3.93 |
The complete idiot's guide to wicca and witchcraft | 0 |
| 4.22 |
| 5 |
The Importance of Being Earnest | 4.24 |
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
- Can Üstünuçar (Translator)
| 2.67 |
| 3.7 |
| 4.11 |
How to Win Every Argument | 0 |
What Every Body is Saying - Joe Navarro
- Marvin Karlins
| 3.88 |
| 0 |
The Diary of a Young Girl | 4.02 |
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
- Isabel Florence Hapgood (Translator)
| 4.2 |
Girl with a Pearl Earring | 3.81 |
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose | 3.91 |
| 5 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | 3.9 |
| 3.73 |
| 4.09 |
| 0 |
La PNL (Programmation Neuro Linguistique) pour Les Nuls | 0 |
| 0 |
Worst Case Scenario Parenting (Hi M - Joshua Piven
- David Borgenicht
- Sarah Jordan
| 0 |
Journal Secret D'Adrien - 13 Ans 3/4: Journal Secret D'Adrien - 13 Ans 3/4 | 0 |
| 0 |
| 4.25 |
Tobie Lolness - Timothée de Fombelle
- François Place
| 5 |
L' Herbier Fantastique: Recherches Sur La Botanique Étrange Et Néanmoins Véritable | 2 |
Brownies, Bars & Goodies Galore | 5 |
Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message without Saying a Word | 4 |
| 2 |
| 2.4 |
| 3.85 |
| 4.67 |
| 4 |
| 0 |
| 5 |