I'd give it somewhere between 2 and 3 stars. I find the characters a bit odd to believe in and I especially find it tough to believe that people would be convicted and hanged on some of the chain of reasonings supplied. In this one, the final bit to force a confession was more plausible than some of the other ones I've seen.
The story is about a student boarding house, and the various shenanigans that students engage in. Poirot gets a person killed by poking around and then it goes downhill from there. :)
Pretty quick moving, rough little tale about a guy being pushed around and how he enlists others to help. There is a twist so I'll keep it vague. It's short, sweet, to the point and I liked it. I can't say anything else.
Not just a fascinating read
Also has actionable items to integrate into your life and helpful summaries. Tore through this book, but it has great summaries per chapter
This is my second read of this book, I first read it probably like 20 years ago when I was trying to read everything Crichton had written. I think it's a decent story and I like the technical details, kind of future tripping on how awesome just a few years from now will be. It's like going to tomorrowland at Disneyland and seeing the old exhibits like Mission to Mars or whatever.
It's got a bit of a manly man of science kind of lens on what's happening and it has a Raiders of the Lost Ark kind of ending that spoil it a bit for me.
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