#108 | |
#109 | |
#110 | |
#111 | |
#112 | |
#113 | I Am Half-Sick of Shadows |
#114 | |
#115 | |
#116 | The Best of the Best Horror of the Year: Ten Years of Essential Short Horror Fiction |
#117 | |
#118 | |
#119 | |
#120 | The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories |
#121 | Scream Along With Me: Alfred Hitchcock Presents |
#122 | |
#123 | The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories, Volume 1 - Pilar Pedraza
- Flavius Ardelean
- Anders Fager
- Tanya Tynjälä
- Frithjof Spalder
- José María Latorre
- Luigi Musolino
- Martin Steyn
- Attila Veres
- Lars Ahn
- Bernardo Esquinca
- Cristina Fernández Cubas
- Christien Boomsma
- Elisenda Solsona
- Michael Roch
- Solange Rodríguez Pappe
- Bathie Ngoye Thiam
- Marko Hautala
- Yvette Tan
- Ariane Gélinas
- Flore Hazoumé
#124 | Hadriana in All My Dreams - René Depestre
- Kaiama L. Glover (Translator)
#125 | |
#126 | |
#127 | |
#128 | |
#129 | |
#130 | |
#131 | |
#132 | |
#133 | |
#134 | |
#135 | |
#136 | |
#137 | |
#138 | |
#139 | |
#140 | |
#141 | |
#142 | The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories: Volume Three |
#143 | The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories: Volume Two |
#144 | Metamorphoses - Ovid
- Rolfe Humphries (Translator)