#2 | On the Imagination: The Latin Text with an Introduction, English Translation and Notes - Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola
| 0 |
#3 | | 3.8 |
#4 | | 4.06 |
#5 | Second Treatise of Government | 3.57 |
#6 | The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Harvey Mansfield Jr. (Translator)
| 3.77 |
#7 | Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy | 3.8 |
#8 | | 3.8 |
#9 | The Odyssey - Homer
- Robert Fagles (Translator)
| 3.79 |
#10 | The Epic of Gilgamesh - Unknown
- Andrew R. George (Translator)
| 4 |
#11 | The Iliad - Homer
- Alexander Pope (Translator)
| 4 |