Rainbow in the Dark: The Autobiography |
Batman: Ego and Other Tails |
So Say We All: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar Galactica - Mark A. Altman
- Edward Gross
The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union |
Imperial Gamble: Putin, Ukraine, and the New Cold War |
Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege, 1942–1943 - Antony Beevor
- Artemis Cooper
How Great Science Fiction Works |
As Cidades Invisiveis - Italo Calvino
- José Colaço Barreiros
 Rath and Storm Rath and Storm - Kij Johnson, Liz Holliday, Francis Lebaron, J. Robert King, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Hanovi Braddock, Peter Archer, Philip Athans, Miranda Horner, Michael G. Ryan
Cyberpunk - Registros recuperados de futuros proibidos - Ricardo Santos
- Cirilo S. Lemos
- Marcelo A. Galvão
- Karen Alvares
- Alexey Dodsworth
- Fábio Fernandes
- Michel Peres
- Claudia Dugim
- Daniel Grimoni
- Santiago Santos
- Carlos Contente
- Rodrigo Silva do Ó.
 Cyberpunk - Registros recuperados de futuros proibidos Cyberpunk - Registros recuperados de futuros proibidos - Fábio Fernandes, Ricardo Santos, Michel Peres, Cirilo S. Lemos, Marcelo A. Galvão, Santiago Santos, Rodrigo Silva do Ó., Alexey Dodsworth, Claudia Dugim, Carlos Contente, Daniel Grimoni, Karen Alvares
Coriolis: The Dark Between the Stars |
 Shadowdale Shadowdale - Scott Ciencin, Richard Awlinson
 Star Trek Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Prophecy and Change Anthology |
 Prophecy and Change Prophecy and Change - Christopher L. Bennett, Una McCormack, Kevin G. Summers, Andrew J. Robinson, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Heather Jarman, Michael A. Martin, Andy Mangels, Jeffrey Lang, Marco Palmieri, Terri Osborne, Geoffrey Thorne
 Brasil Fantástico Brasil Fantástico - Vivian Cristina Ferreira, Renan Duarte, A.Z. Cordenonsi, Marcelo Jacinto Ribeiro, Christopher Kastensmidt, Allan Cutrim, Maria Helena Bandeira, Maria Georgina de Souza, João Rogaciano, Clinton Davisson, Grazielle de Marco, Mickael Menegheti, Antonio Luiz M. C. Costa, Andréia Kennen
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
- Jay Rubin (Translator)
- Philip Gabriel
いちきゅうはちよん [Ichi-Kyū-Hachi-Yon] |
Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology |