Echos Echos - Dean Wesley Smith
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner |
The Stories of Ray Bradbury |
Neuromancer - William Gibson
- Giampaolo Cossato (Translator)
- Sandro Sandrelli (Translator)
Saga #1 Saga #1 - Fiona Staples, Fonografiks, Eric Stephenson, Brian K. Vaughan, Fonographics
So Say We All: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar Galactica - Mark A. Altman
- Edward Gross
The World of Cyberpunk 2077 |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? |
The Foundation Trilogy: Foundation, Second Foundation, Foundation And Empire |
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #1 - Jeremy Barlow
- Gabriel Guzmán
- Michael Atiyeh
Cyberpunk - Registros recuperados de futuros proibidos Cyberpunk - Registros recuperados de futuros proibidos - Fábio Fernandes, Ricardo Santos, Michel Peres, Cirilo S. Lemos, Marcelo A. Galvão, Santiago Santos, Rodrigo Silva do Ó., Alexey Dodsworth, Claudia Dugim, Carlos Contente, Daniel Grimoni, Karen Alvares
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #3 - Jeremy Barlow, John Dombrow, Mike Atiyeh, Gabriel Guzmán
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #2 - Jeremy Barlow, John Dombrow, Michael Atiyeh, Gabriel Guzmán
Uncanny Magazine Issue 2 Uncanny Magazine Issue 2: January/February 2015 - Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas, Michi Trota
- Hao Jingfang
- Sam J. Miller
- Amal El-Mohtar
- Richard Bowes
- Sunny Moraine
- Ann Leckie
- Jim C. Hines
- Erica McGillivray
- Keidra Chaney
- Isabel Yap
- Ken Liu (Translator)
- Mari Ness
- Deborah Stanish
- R.B. Lemberg
Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit - Hélio Frazão, Mike Pondsmith, Adrian Marc, R Bago, J. Gray, Neil Branquinho, Sebstian Szmyd, David Ackerman, Cody Pondsmith, James Hutt, Anselm Zielonka, Angelina Stroganova, Eddie Mendoza, Alexander Dudar, Maksym Harahulin
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #4 - Jeremy Barlow, John Dombrow, Michael Atiyeh, Gabriel Guzmán
Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica: Investigating Flesh, Spirit, and Steel - Jennifer Stoy, Roz Kaveney
Insurrection Insurrection - J.M. Dillard
- Rick Berman
- Michael Piller
Star Wars Star Wars: Estrelas Perdidas - Fábio Fernandes, Zé Oliboni, Claudia Gray
Star Wars: Legacy, Volume 9: Monster |
Star Trek: TNG: The Sky's the Limit |
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #2 - John Dombrow
- Jeremy Barlow
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #3 - John Dombrow
- Jeremy Barlow
The Left Hand of Darkness |
Mass Effect Mass Effect: Discovery #4 - John Dombrow
- Jeremy Barlow
Cyberpunk - Registros recuperados de futuros proibidos - Ricardo Santos
- Cirilo S. Lemos
- Marcelo A. Galvão
- Karen Alvares
- Alexey Dodsworth
- Fábio Fernandes
- Michel Peres
- Claudia Dugim
- Daniel Grimoni
- Santiago Santos
- Carlos Contente
- Rodrigo Silva do Ó.
Investigating Battlestar Galactica: Flesh, Spirit, and Steel |
Cyberpunk: The Big Book of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Revolution and Evolution |
Star Wars: Estrelas Perdidas - Claudia Gray
- Zé Oliboni (Translator)
- Fábio Fernandes (Translator)
Vaporpunk – Relatos Steampunk Publicados sob as Ordens de Suas Majestades - Eric Novello
- Carlos Orsi
- Yves Robert
- João Ventura
- Octavio Aragão
- Jorge Candeias
- Flávio Medeiros Jr.
The Art of the Mass Effect Universe |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Echos - Dean Wesley Smith
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Nina Kiriki Hoffman
The Academy Alignment - David Davis
- Andra St. Ivanyi
Coriolis Coriolis: The Dark Between the Stars |
How Great Science Fiction Works |
Mirrorshades - William Gibson
- John Shirley
- Paul Di Filippo
- Lewis Shiner
- Tom Maddox
- Pat Cadigan
- Rudy Rucker
- Marc Laidlaw
- James Patrick Kelly
- Greg Bear