#239 | |
#241 | |
#242 | |
#243 | |
#245 | |
#246 | Un trabajo muy sucio - Christopher Moore
- Victoria E. Horrillo Ledesma (translator)
#247 | Unearthly - Cynthia Hand
- Dina Begum (Translator)
#248 | |
#250 | |
#251 | |
#252 | |
#253 | |
#254 | |
#255 | |
#256 | |
#258 | |
#259 | |
#260 | |
#262 | |
#263 | |
#264 | |
#265 | |
#266 | |
#268 | The Iron Trial - Cassandra Clare
- Holly Black
#271 | The Golden Tower - Holly Black
- Cassandra Clare
#272 | Valiant: A Modern Tale Of Faerie |
#274 | |
#276 | Tres deseos - Jackson Pearce
- Noemí Risco Mateo (Translator)
#278 | |
#280 | |
#281 | |
#283 | |
#284 | Walking Disaster (Beautiful, #2) |
#285 | Un desastre es para siempre |
#287 | |
#289 | My Fairly Dangerous Godmother |
#290 | |
#292 | |
#294 | |
#295 | |
#296 | |
#298 | |
#300 | |
#301 | |
#302 | |
#303 | |
#304 | |
#306 | |
#308 | |
#310 | |
#311 | |
#312 | |
#313 | |
#314 | |
#315 | |
#316 | |
#317 | |
#318 | |
#319 | |
#320 | The Keatyn Chronicles: Books 1-3 |
#321 | |
#322 | An Abundance of Katherines |
#323 | |
#324 | |
#325 | |
#327 | Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia
- Margaret Stohl
#328 | Beautiful Darkness - Kami Garcia
- Margaret Stohl
#329 | Beautiful Chaos - Kami Garcia
- Margaret Stohl
#331 | Dream Dark - Kami Garcia
- Margaret Stohl
#332 | |
#334 | |
#335 | |
#336 | |
#338 | |
#341 | Darkest Powers Bonus Pack 1 |
#342 | |
#344 | |
#345 | |
#346 | |
#347 | |
#349 | |
#350 | |
#351 | The Selection Stories: The Prince & The Guard |
#354 | |
#355 | |
#357 | Ruby Red - Kerstin Gier
- Anthea Bell (Translator)
#358 | |
#360 | |
#361 | |
#362 | |
#363 | |
#364 | |
#365 | |
#366 | |
#367 | |
#368 | |
#369 | |
#370 | |
#372 | Las Tradiciones Son Para Romperse |
#373 | |