DNF at 50%
This book had so much potential, but, man was it boring! I didn't care about a single character, even the Gods.
But it's got great reviews, so what do I know? Ha ha
This was so good!!
I'm not even that nerdy and I still loved all the obscure references. So fun! Go read this book!
What a fascinating peek into the lives of a family so different than anything I've ever known. I couldn't believe some of the stories from Tara's childhood, or the way her parents and siblings reacted to what was happening, specifically with all the injuries. It's just crazy to think how different peoples lives can be from your own, especially when you you're not that far apart geographically.
My favorite thing about this book is that Tara never once tells you what to think. She'll tell you a crazy story, but she never actually says “this is crazy, right!?” It's pretty much just, these are the facts of how I grew up and got an education, make of it what you will. In writing her story this way, she allows the people in her family to be whole, complex characters with both good and bad qualities, instead of just being labeled the villain, crazy, etc.
It's also strange to think that this story isn't technically over. I feel like I need to keep up with the author's life out side of the book to see how things with her family play out.
I loved Paul Sheldon and Annie Wilkes!! They are some of the most interesting characters I've ever read. The majority of the novel takes place with just these two in a single room, with not that much actually happening, but it's riveting.
I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard Paul Sheldon is supposed to be Steven King, and that made his internal monologue SO interesting.
I'm not a huge fan of horror, only because I'm a scaredy-cat, and this was much more of a thriller than a horror, so that was great! Absolutely recommend!
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