It has been a few weeks since I have read this book, but the disappointment stuck around for this long, so I decided to type up a small review.
Let me clarify that I enjoyed the book, hence the 3/5 rating, the book has a fascinating premise that kept me reading even through the less than good parts.
The issues arise fairly early - the author's writing style has some problems, especially when considering the genre. A Botanical Daughter is advertised as horror, yet the language feels very “wannabe elegant” and is ridden with many unnecessarily flowery adjectives, even considering the Victorian setting it was just too much, and took me out of the more unsettling scenes.
Additionally, there just aren't that many scenes that instill fear. There is also very little suspense, though this might be because of how desensitized I am to horror media. If you are looking for a mild horror experience, I could see myself recommending it though.
The characters, while seemingly consistent in the beginning fall flat towards the end, their descent to madness is done rather clumsily so it just felt like they were going ooc for plot convenience. There were scenes where I found myself sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose just wanting for the book to be done. Though it starts picking up again towards the end and brings up more interesting plot points, which changed my rating from a 2 to 3.
Overall I found the book quite enjoyable besides its issues, from what I know this the Author's debut books and does have a lot of potential, I just found it to be a bit dissapointing.
When I first got this book, I wanted to love it, and the more I kept reading the more I wanted to hate it.
Let me clarify that the monster lore in this book is very interesting, I was basically glued to my Kindle for the last few chapters as more and more things got revealed but there is one glaring issue with this book.
The sheer amount of violence against women.
There is so much rape and sexual assault that may make sense with the setting but overall cheapens the experience of the book. I fear a big reason for this is that the women in this book don't feel like characters, they have no depth and almost no agency, they don't have motivations and compared to the men they don't have real personalities either.
Ach, Ostheim, ein wunderbares Sequel für das erste Buch, doch ebenso von Fehlern (vor allem in den letzten 100 Seiten) geplagt.
Aber erstmal zum Plot- mir hat er sehr gefallen, die neuen Charaktere sind interessant, und auch wenn mir eine nichtmenschliche Perspektive gier gefehlt hat, verstehe ich auch das in diesem Buch die politische Anspannung nach dem Ende von Eisenheim eine größere Rolle spielt. Es war jedoch wie immer die persönlichere Schiene die mich zum weiterlesen angetrieben hat.
Nun, auch wenn mir der Plot gefallen hat gab es ein paar verheerende Schreibfehler die mich kurzzeitig so verwirrt haben das ich zurück blättern musste um zu schauen ob ich nicht Komplett den Faden verloren hatte. In einer Szene wurde ein Charakter bei komplett falschen Namen genannt (Helmut wurde zu Herbert). In einer anderen Szene die ebenso Plot relevant war, wurde ein Name für die falsche Stadt genannt, was mich Verwirrt hatte weil die Charaktere gerade von der falsch genannten Stadt kamen. (Mühlberg wurde zu Felsburg)
Trotz ein paar rechtschreib- und anderen Fehlern, habe ich meine Zeit mir der Geschichte sehr genossen, und kann kaum noch auf den dritten Teil warten.
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