3.5/5 stars
This book was good but not good enough for me to give it 4/5 stars. I really enjoyed reading about Rachel and Logan's journey through this book. However, there were plenty of boring parts and personally this book didn't move fast enough for me. Although, overall it was a neat story and an interesting world and I really did enjoy it but there was just something missing to make this book a really great one.
I really enjoyed this book. I really love readin dystopian novels and this one is no exception. It has a very interesting concept to it and overall I really enjoyed it.
Wow!!! So, I just wrote a super long review for this and it don't post!! Wow!!! Can't believe it!
So, here's a quick summary of what I wrote:
Basically, I really enjoyed this book. I really enjoyed the world Elizabeth Richards creates and ain't wait to read the next book. I was really surprised I enjoyed this book so much but I did. The only thing that bothered me was the romance between Ash and Natalie, as I felt like Ms. Richards should have built more upon their relationship. I hope their relationship in the next book gets better and that try become a strong, believable couple.
That's basically all I can remember...
I really summarized it but basically it was a good read and I would recommend it.
Ahhhh!! Still can't believe everything got deleted!!!!
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